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1 Rookie


1 Message


December 16th, 2023 13:22

VNX 5300 - An error occurred while accessing the storage pool

Hi Team , 

We had power failure issue on VNX 5300 storage after power failure .Controller 2 found faulty . Now cntrl 2 replaced and now we are getting below error .Unable to make storage pool online 

Error message :

"An error occurred while accessing the storage pool 

Please resolve any hardware problems and retry the operation (0x712D8514)"

Please any body faced this type of issue  and provide us some solution



1 Rookie


299 Posts

December 17th, 2023 14:16

Have not come across before. Strongly recommend if possible opening a case with Dell/EMC

62 Posts

December 23rd, 2023 03:46

pls. collect spcollect and then I can help you

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