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3 Posts


October 4th, 2022 11:00

Emcopy ERROR (1332) Unable to get the domain SID info from NAS Server

hi everyone,

I have a problem copying some CIFS folders from the NAS Server named NAServer1 (Hitachi HNAS) with emcopy, using the following syntax 

emcopy64.exe \\NAServer1\c$\Folder1 c:\temp1\Folder1 /l /i /s /o /c /secforce /preserverSIDh /reparse /stream /w:3 /r:3 /th 64 /sdd /log+:c:\temp\emcopy.log

(i used /l option for  evaluates the number of files to copy without to do any file
duplication and i run CMD as administrator my user is also a domain admin member )

but the copy fails with the following error:

TH000 : ERROR (1332) Unable to get the domain SID info from \\NAServer1
TH000 : WARNING Unable to get the local source server sid from \\NAServer1
TH000 : WARNING Unable to initialize the security Descriptor translator

File Copied 0
amount of copied bytes 0

How can i solve this problem?




6.9K Posts

October 5th, 2022 07:00

Hello sbatino,

Here is a link to a kb that explains how to resolve error 1332 message.

October 11th, 2022 07:00

TH000 : 15:45:50 : WARNING : The default primary group is set to "domain users"
TH000 : 15:45:50 : ERROR (1332) : Unable to get the domain SID info from \\L03200C001
TH000 : 15:45:50 : WARNING : Unable to get the local target server sid from \\L03200C001
TH000 : 15:45:50 : WARNING : Unable to initialize the Security Descriptor translator

October 11th, 2022 07:00

Hi I lost error 1332, but I can't see the link you posted



6.9K Posts

October 11th, 2022 08:00

Hello davide_101990,

Here is what the link states.

EMCopy unable to get the domain SID information from \CIFS-Server

Audience Level: Customer

Article Content


Migration cannot proceed from non-VNX CIFS server to VNX CIFS Server.

EMCopy migration from Non-VNX CIFS Server is failing with unable to get the domain SID information from   \\CIFS-Server.

Example of Error from EMCopy trying to migrate CIFS Data from 3rd Party (Non-VNX) to VNX CIFS Server.

Server SRC :   LEGACY-Server 4.9 Storage Server
Server DEST : VNX-CIFS01 5.0 EMC-SNAS:T81.2.51
TH000 : 18:20:46 : Error (5) : Unable to get the domain SID info from   \\LEGACY-Server
TH000 : 18:20:46 : Warning : Unable to get the local source server sid from   \\LEGACY-Server
TH000 : 18:20:46 : Warning : Unable to initialize the Security Descriptor Translator
Copy engine Statistics
Files(s) copied : 0
File(s)  recovered : 0
Directory(ies) created : 0
Armount of copied byte(s) : 0 Byte(s) (0 Byte(s))
Elapsed time : secs: ##


EMCopy is unable to open a CIFS Connection to the SOURCE server specified. This is possibly due to Kerberos not working or the user session that EMCopy is being run as not being authorized to make the connection.


Confirm that a Connection to the   Source CIFS Server can be made using the workstation that EMCopy is running from.

Start Menu >> Run >> \\Server-Name

If Kerberos is not working at this time and access is only working using NTLM by accessing source CIFS server over IP Only then this would need to be fixed on the 3rd party vendor.

Note: A common cause for Kerberos issues is clock skew between hosts, ensure that NTP server(s) are defined on all hosts operating in a Kerberos environment.
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